Cruisin For Surf Bunnies
Movin' / Baja Part I / Bangkok Cock Fight / Johnny October / The Nomads / The Man / Angry Generation / Baja Part II / Quiet Village / Batman / Torn Sarong / Crickets of Karachi
The Woodchucks
// 2018 on Light in the Attic Records (LITA 169)
(recorded 1964)
Album Review:
Apparently found in Lee Hazelwood’s estate, the music on this forgotten master tape was simply labeled as “Woodchucks”. No session information was available, nor do we know exactly who the Woodchucks were - but the music they left behind was a reverby album that was lost for over 60 years. To my ears (someone who’s listened to their fair share of Surf tunes) it sounds very much like the Al Casey Surfin’ Hootenanny album - perhaps the same circle of musicians.
Notable inclusions are ‘Angry Generation’ which appeared on Dick Dale’s Live 1965 album, and ‘Johnny October’ from the Challengers’ Sidewalk Surfin album. Also, there are a few exclusive compositions that I believe only appear here, such as ‘Bangkok Cock Fight,’ ‘The Nomads’, ‘The Man,’ ‘Torn Sarong,’ and ‘Crickets of Karachi.’
All tunes are played in a straightforward manner, wide-open reverb and occasionally some overdrive. It’s truly a time capsule in the best sense - short of a masterpiece, but there’s enough here to make it essential for the surf music fan.
Makes you wonder how many other unreleased surf albums exist out there in basements and attics…

Angry Generation / Torn Sarong / Crickets of Karachi / The Nomads / The Man / Baja (Parts I & II) / Bangkok Cock Fight