Hot Rod Music on Capitol
Custom Machine (Beach Boys) / Ho-Dad Machine (Dick Dale & His Del-Tones) / Four On the Floor (Super Stocks) / Night Rider (Dick Dale & His Del-Tones) / Hot Rod City (Super Stocks) / No-Go Showboat (Beach Boys) / The Scavenger (Dick Dale & His Del-Tones) / Our Car Club (Beach Boys) / Black Denim Trousers and Motorcycle Boots (Cheers) / Hot Rod Race (Jimmy Dolan) / Little Street Machine (Hot Rod Rog) / Cherry Cherry Coupe (Beach Boys)
Various Artists
// 1963 on Capitol Records (PRO 2480 / PRO 2481)
Album Review:
Hot Rod Music On Capitol (Excerpts from Great Hot Rod Albums from the Sound Capitol of the World on labels), is a rare promotional-only album released by Capitol Records in 1963 to highlight the latest collection of hot rod-themed albums.
The three Beach Boys numbers ('Custom Machine', No-Go Showboat', 'Our Car Club', and 'Cherry Cherry Coupe') are all solid choices pulled from the Little Deuce Coupe album. The liner notes tout that 'Car Crazy Cutie' is a smash hit - a wishful claim that made me chuckle. 'Ho-Dad Machine', 'Night Rider', and 'The Scavenger' come from Dick Dale's 1963 Checkered Flag and showcase the breadth of Dale's signature sound well. Lifted from the Hot Rod Rally compilation are the Super Stocks' 'Hot Rod City' and Roger Christian's 'Little Street Machine.' These two tunes are curiously absent in the short promo for the album on the back cover; instead 'Twin Cut Outs', 'Night Rod', 'Little Stick Nomad', and 'Wheel Man' are featured. The oddest inclusions are from the Shut Down compilation. Leaving all the Beach Boys tunes out, Capitol opted instead to showcase the Super Stocks' 'Four on the Floor' and two older tunes - 'Black Denim Trousers and Motorcycle Boots' by the Cheers (1955) and 'Hot Rod Race' by Jimmy Dolan (1950). These 50s releases don't subtract from the listening experience and run together well. The effects record, The Big Sounds of the Drags is also promoted on the back cover, though there are understandably no excerpts from this particular album.
Surf enthusiasts will recognize the flamed-out roadster on the cover as the same on the Shut Down album. A similar album was issued in February 1964 called ' Big Hot Rod Hits! with alternative artwork (driver removed from bottom left corner pic), a different side A running order, and 'Hot Rod City by the Super Stocks suspiciously absent.
Capitol also released a surf themed album in Summer of 1964 called Big Surfing Sounds Are On Capitol.

Custom Machine / Night rider / No-Go Showboat / The Scavegner / Four on the Floor / Cherry Cherry Coupe