The Last of the Ski Bums
Winter Spell / Ski Bum / Children of the Sun / Agunus Night / Yellow Dove / Soul Something / Coming Down Slow / Summer's Gone / Return from the Casino / Flowers to Dance On / Water and Stone / Porsche
The Sandells
// 1969 on World Pacific Records (WPS 21884 / WP 21884)
Album Review:
Notable tracks include 'Winter Spell' (which feels a bit like a rewrite of 'Endless Summer'), and 'Coming Down Slow' which is a late surfy jam. Though not surfy, 'Soul Something' stands out as the most uptempo tune and would've been a more interesting direction to take this release in this reviewer's opinion. 'Agunus Night' is at least a welcome break from the soft acoustic ballads, but it doesn't offer much originality. ''Even the car-related 'Porsche' stalls at the light. Everything else here is folksy acoustic guitar-driven soft pop that hasn't aged particularly well.

Winter Spell