★★★ 1/2

New Sounds of the ...
Huey's Hut Rod / Leaky Boat Louie / Daddy, the Swinging Suburbanite / Francis the Foul / Drag Hag / Flame Out Freddie / Sling Rave Curvette / Killer McBash / Davy, the Psycho Cyclist / Digger / Endsville Eddie
// 1964 on Mercury Records (SR 60976 / MG 2097)
Album Review:
Here’s the last release in the Silly Surfers / Weirdos saga. Again a Gary Usher production; it’s evident that by this point whole surf/hot rod craze was beginning to wind down as this whole album seems to be a little less ambitious than the Silly Surfers offering. Also, does anyone else notice that ‘Weirdos’ is spelled incorrectly on the labels? Both ‘Digger the Way Out Dragster' and 'Leaky Boat Louie' are probably the most fleshed-out tracks here. With the exception of 'Wade A Minute,' 'Killer McBash,' and perhaps 'Francis the Foul,' everything else feels a little tired - but then again, where else are you going to hear 120,000 individual hairs all growing at the same time?

Digger the way out dragster / leaky boat louie / Wade A minute / francis the foul