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Album Review:

Like many 'groups' in the genre, the Vettes were not an actual band but existed as another studio creation in the vein of the Catalinas, the Super Stocks, and the Knights - this time under the creative control of saxophonist Steve Douglas. Other players on here were Gary Usher, Dick Burns, and future Beach Boy Bruce Johnston.


"Little Ford Ragtop" is a little hot rod number with a lead handled by Bruce Johnston that bares Douglas' distinctive saxophone riffs. "Devil Driver's Theme" is full of spooky sound effects, while "Happy Ho-Daddy (with a Rag-Top Caddy)" is perhaps the album's best vocal moment.  The Steve Douglas composition "Chevy Scarfer" (sic) is little more than filler but enjoyable nonetheless. The instrumental "Devil Driver's Theme" gets a vocal makeover by Johnston, followed by "Voodoo Green Part I;" presumably taking its name from the line in "Driver." "4.56 Stingray" is another strong vocal track audibly backed with Gary Usher, Dick Burns, and of course, Bruce Johnston. For those eagerly awaiting the conclusion of "Voodoo Green", Part II mostly picks up where Part I left off. Douglas' "Superstock Vette," had previously appeared as "Flash Falcon" on Capitol's Hot Rod Rally compilation album. "Cheater Slickin' Time" boasts some grungy guitar work, though it says nothing that hasn't been said before. Again another track from Hot Rod Rally, "Woody Walk" (now titled "Shutdown King") loses its horn overdubs and actually fits in quite well among the newer tracks. The vocal "'55 Bird" is an excellent closer.


As far as hot rod albums go, Rev-Up is pretty standard fare. It's interesting to note that most of these tracks were also released on the Astronauts' Competition Coupe with the similar arrangements and in the same keys. Yet allowing for the blatant copying, the Vettes still manage to put forth a solid album.

Vettes - Rev Up


Little Ford Ragtop / Devil Driver Theme / Happy Ho-Daddy (with a Ragtop Caddy) / Chevey Scarfer / Devil Driver / Voodoo Green Part I / 4.56 Stingray / Voodoo Green Part II / Superstock Vette/  Cheater Slickin' Time / Shutdown King / '55 Bird

The Vettes

// 1964 on MGM Records (SE 4193 / E 4193)




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