Surftime U.S.A.
Wedges Stomp / Beware of the Feather / Hang Ten Ride / Ba-Humbug / The Spinner King of the Hot Doggers / Ridin' the Cruncher / Doin' the Pearl / Stoked Man / Who Put the Ding in Mrs. Murphy's Surfboard? / Down with Ho-Dad / Relaxing in the Soup
The Wave Crests
// 1963 on Viking Records VKS 606 - VKS 6606
Album Review:
Super odd release because despite the cover, nothing on here is very surfy. In fact, most of the songs are covers of traditional songs (‘When The Saints,’ ‘Old Macdonald,’ etc…) that had previously appeared on two Mike Adams and the Red Jackets Lp - Surfers Beat, which, in turn, was a reissue of Twist Contest. Everything’s played in a pseudo-twist 1950s style.
The only real surf-related song on this whole release is the opening track, ‘Surftime’ which, oddly enough, is actually The Beach Boys’ ‘Surfin’ U.S.A.’ under a different title.
Side note: there was another album issued by Viking Records with the same cover picture called Surfer Girl with no credited artist.
