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Album Review:

I had wondered about this album for some time before I was able to locate a copy. There's no artist listed and no audio clips anywhere on the internet. What could be hidden in the grooves of this mysterious release? The cover is definitely from the same photoshoot that yielded the jacket of another Viking surf release - Surftime U.S.A. by the Wave Crests. Well, I'm here to tell you...


The only new song on this release is the title tune, 'Surfer Girl, ' which is an embarrassingly sloppy rendition of the Beach Boys' tune in a blues style. 'Surfer Boy' is the same track as 'Malibu' from the Don Dailey Surf Stompin' Lp, which, in turn, was a repackaging of Jerry Cole's 'Mambo Boogie' from the 1960 Billy Boyd Twangy Guitars album. 'Surfer Bwana,' Moonlight Surfing,' and 'Surfing By Starlight' are all early rock n roll blue-inspired numbers with no surf relatability. Like the Don Dailey release 'Surfers Playmate' ('Hang 10' on Surf Stompin') gets pretty close to actual surf music. Another Billy Boyd tune entitled 'Surfers Riot' is basically a rewrite of 'Riot in Cell Block #9.' 'Surfers Magic,' Surfers Mask,' and 'Surf Diving' are all a wash.


Surfer Girl is far harder to track down than other budget albums (Wave Crests' Surftime U.S.A., Don Dailey's Surf Stompin', and Mike Adams and the Red Jackets' Surfers Beat). That said, with all it's tracks available elsewhere, the only reason to pick up the album is for the hilarious title tune. 

No Artist - Surfer Girl

Surfer Girl

Surfer Girl / Surfer Boy / Surfer Bwana / Moonlight Surfing / Surfing by Starlight /  Surfers Playmate / Surfers Riot / Surfers Magic / Surfers Mask / Surf Diving

No Artist

// 1963 on Viking Records (VK 622)


ASurf Dist.png


Surfer Girl / Surfer Boy / Surfers Playmate

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