Album Review:
Various sources attribute this release to either 1965 or 1966. My copy is sealed, and I’ve never opened it. That’s okay though, because it has no music on it. Instead, it is exactly what it claims to be - “a surfing seminar.” Surfing champions share knowledge and expertise on the sport. Mike Doyle would go on to release another spoken-word record called Secrets of Surfing in 1967.
Most copies are either sealed or NM because I can’t imagine these got a lot of play. 2 stars for the cover.

Surfing Seminar
Beginners Instruction (Mickey Monoz) / Intermediate Instructions (Joyce Hoffman) / Review Of Instructions (Joey Cabell) / Safety Tips (Chuck Linnen) / Advanced Instructions (Mike Doyle) / Equipment And Design (Del Cannon)
No Artist
// 1965/66 on Seminar Records (LP 600)