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Surfer's Beat
Red River Rock / Hot And Glassy / Surfers Beat / Green Sleeves And Blue Baggies / When The Kooks Go Surfin' By / Foam And Fiberglass / Queens Surf / Woodie / Rompin' At Rincon / Wipe Out At Sunset Beach
Mike Adams & the Red Jackets
// 1963 on Crown Records (CST 312 / CLP 5312)
Album Review:
Surfer's Beat is a reprint of an earlier crown Records release, Twist Contest. Tracks such as "Hot and Foamy" "Rompin' at Rincon" "Wipe Out at Malibu Beach" or even "When the Kooks Go Surfin' By" could've perhaps passed as surf instrumentals if it hadn't been for the strictly R&B saxophone which permeates the mix and steals most of the solos.

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