Surfin' Down Under
Surfin' Down Under / Bondi Stomp / Cat Bay / Gold Coast Stomp / Cottesloe Stomp / Rainbow Bay / Ridin' The Bower / Boomer Beach / The Tide / Winkiepop / Moana / The Gallows
Dave Bridge Trio
// 1963 on His Master's Voice Records (OCLP 7608)
Album Review:
The Dave Bridge Trio was an Australian group that got its start when the lead guitarist of the Joy Boys quit forming his own band. This is their only album.
'Surfin' Down Under' is a beautifully complex track that features an unidentified pipe-like percussion instrument that starts the album out with a drowsy low-fi vibe. 'Bondi Stomp' picks the tempo up quite a bit and is a great little rocker full of guitar slides. 'Cat Bay' is another fast rocker with tremendous amounts of reverb, while 'Gold Coast stomp' boasts some excellent low-string picking. 'Cottesloe Stomp' has some interesting banter between guitars, and 'Rainbow Bay' again falls into low-fi mood music. One of the best, more interesting tracks on the album, 'Ridin' the Bower, ' falls into Les Paul territory. 'Boomer Beach' predominantly features the group's drummer. 'The Tide' has some ghostly backing female vocals though it doesn't exactly fall comfortably into the surf umbrella. The oddly-titled 'Winkiepop' has a nice bass line while Bridge's guitar twangs up high on the fretboard. Years before the Disney film, 'Moana' feels more like a jam session than an actual song. A bass-heavy 'Gallows' closes the album on a strong note.
Extremely chill and extremely tasteful, the Dave Bridge Trio's Surfin' Down Under is a breath of fresh air from Aussieland. Never re-released, original copies often fetch upwards of $300, so if you are able to locate a copy, grab it quick!

Surfin' Down Under / Ridin' the Blower / The Gallows / Bondi Stomp