Surf City / Surfin' USA
Surf City / Pop Goes The Surfboard / Beach Town Surfers / Surfin' Wings / Yellow Rose Surf / Surfin' USA / Surfin' Along / Surfin' Boy / Danny's Surf / John Henry's Surf
The Tides
// 1963 on Mercury-Wing Records (SRW 16265/ MGW 12265)
Album Review:
Ah, the label that gave us such big-name classics as The Riveria Orchestra Plays Broadway and Hollywood and John Cali's Banjo on My Knee. Mercury-Wing was a budget label that did occasionally have some pleasantly surprising releases (Buddies' Go Go with the Buddies and The Buddies and the Compacts) but unfortunately, the label had even more truly terrible surf releases. So what is this, you ask?
Truly terrible. It sounds like the same set of musicians that made Dragsters' Drag City / Hey Little Cobra and Tom and Jerry's Surfin’ Hootenanny (both on the same label and equally awful).
Don’t be fooled, stay away from this album.
