Choice Cuts: G.T.O.

Motorcycle Scramble
Scramble Baby / Bonneville / Black Boots / Chopped Chief / Beezer Boogie / Tiger Cab Stomp / Hairpin Heartbreak / Straight Away Baby / High Bar Suzy
The Scramblers
// 1964 on Diplomat Records (SD 2316 / D 2316)
Album Review:
Attributed to yet another group called the Scramblers, Motorcycle Scramble was released on Diplomat Records and borrowed from an assortment of instrumentals sourced from the 50s that appeared on various budget compilations of the era - namely the Hal Jones and the Wheelers Kings of the Hot Rods Lp.
The album opens up with a full 1:40 of motorcycle sounds before launching into 'Scramble Baby,' which had also appeared as 'Piston King Beat' on Hal Jones and the Wheelers' release. 'Bonneville' is an early R&B jive. 'Black Boots' is 'T-Bone Straight' from the aforementioned album. 'Chopped Chief' is 'High Boy Dream,' and 'Beezer Boogie' is 'Wheeler Dealer.' Side 2 launches with another extended sound effects loop before 'Tiger Cab Stomp' ('Hot Vette') begins. 'Spokane Drop Out' is '34 Chopper.' Like the Hal Jones album, this album's mostly interesting track is the string-laden 'Hairpin Heartbreak' ('Acey Deuce'). 'Wing Ding' becomes 'Staight Away Baby' while the forgettable 'High Bar Suzy' is a new track.
Though its cover may be slightly more interesting to look at than Kings of the Hot Rods, the motorcycle overdubs make this far more unlistenable.

Hairpin Heartbreak (Acey Deuce)