Sounds of the Drags
Hot Rod Center / Black Pick Up / Don't Count on the Looks / Long Gone / Steering Wheel Stuck / Little Willys Dragster / Big Green Vet / Bad Rubber / Oil Burner / Chopped and Channeled
The Blasters
// 1963 on Crown Records (CST 392 / CLP 5392)
Album Review:
Like most Crown Records hot rod releases, Sounds of the Drags was the brainchild of session guitarist Jerry Cole. It features 10 car-themed tracks. What's unique about this release is that unlike most of Cole's other Crown albums, it contains all original material. What's more, Cole really cranks up the guitar volume on this one.
'Hot Rod Center' is a passable number that, unlike most Cole releases, actually features some harmonies (albeit poorly mixed and sung). 'Black Pick Up' is the story of a drag race executed in a spoken-word country billy kind of way. 'Don't Count on the Looks' could've been the album's best track if it weren't for the terrible mastering job by which the sound effects intermittently cut in and out as the instrumental mix jumps back and forth from extremely loud to very soft. 'Long Gone' boats some good guitar playing from Cole while 'Steering Wheel Stuck' cumbersomely chugs along with an early fuzz lead. 'Little Willy's Dragster' again features Cole's typical twin sax treatment, while some great guitar work saves the sloppy 'Big Green Vet' (sic). Of all the tracks on the album, 'Bad Rubber' is perhaps the best, overcoming its low-budget origins and, again, possessing some fantastic guitar work more in the vein of Cole's excellent Capitol albums."Oil Burner" follows suit. The album's last instrumental, 'Chopped and Channeled,' unfortunately feels more like filler than anything substantial, bringing a rather lackluster finish to an uneven record.
As far as Crown Record releases go, the Blasters' Sounds of the Drags is as good as it gets, which, unfortunately, still doesn't say much...I mean, the jacket even features recycled photos from earlier Crown albums. Couldn't these guys at least find new car pictures to grace the cover?

Steering Wheel stuck / BAD RUBBER / OIL BURNER / Don't COUNT ON THE LOOKS