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Album Review:

A brief review of Hits of the Street and Strip in Billboard magazine on Nov. 9 reads, "car fans attention! This craze promises to be bigger than surfing!" While that may have been true for the car craze, unfortunately, the Competitors weren't around long enough to experience it. In reality, the group was no more than an early Gary Usher studio band - and the back cover makes sure to give the often-overlooked producer credit for his creation.


After a pedestrian cover of ‘Little Deuce Coupe’, things are kicked into gear with ‘R.P.M.,' a tune that appeared earlier that year on a single credited to the Four Speeds. '4 on the Floor' resembles the Super Stocks version from Capitol's Shut Down album. 'Wide Track' follows in the same vein but winds up being one of the record's strongest moments with the help of a lead vocal, Don Brandon, an up-and-coming artist for whom Gary would produce a few singles on the Dot label. Brandon's unique vocals are also spotlighted on 'Little Stick Nomad,' making it stand out from other versions. 'Mag Rims' is surprisingly not the track on Sundazed's Gary Usher set, but a new composition with the occasionally spoken interjection. Side B kicks off with a well-rehearsed version of '409' while a rapid 'Shut Down' follows suit. 'Cheater Slicks' boasts a tasteful sax, and with Brandon's classy vocals, 'Street Machine' actually improves on the original (albeit not a hard feat). Gary handles the lead on '426 Super Stock', taking the track in a new melodic direction. 'Power Shift' is a Richard Burns original and, with added background "dit-dit-do-do-do's," manages to be more than just a filler instrumental track.
Hits of the Street and Strip isn't the most polished hot rod album out there, and due to its rarity (thanks, Dot Label), not many have had the chance to hear it. A shame, too, because the album is one of the first outings into the car craze. Although most of the tunes are available elsewhere in one form or another, the Competitors' release is a well deserving addition to any collection.


Hits of the Street and Strip

The Competitors

// 1963 on Dot Records (DLP 25542 / DLP 3542)


Wide TrackCompetitors
00:00 / 01:54

Little Deuce Coupe / R.P.M. / 4 On the Floor / Wide Track / Little Stick Nomad / Mag Rims / 409 / Shut Down / Cheater Slicks / Street Machine / 426 Super Stock / Power Shift



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